The perfect cloud TV platform

The perfect cloud TV platform

The perfect cloud TV platform

Welcome to this webinar of Data-Driven Video summit. 2020. During this session we will discuss what it takes to be a “perfect cloud TV platform”. ( a 1 million dollar question 🙂  ) These are our terrific panelist for this exciting session:


  • Ophir Hechter, VP Product – Media & Telecom at Kaltura)
  • Mark Walker, Head of Product at MPP Global
  • Natxo Imaz Erdoiza, Digital CTO at Mediapro

Moderator: Jerónimo Macanás, JUMP CEO & Co-founder

This webinar combines two of our favorite topics, TV and Cloud data. 

We all know TV viewing habits have changed, and the market is racing to keep up. What was up until a few short years ago a living-room centric, pre-scheduled experience, is now an on-demand, anytime, anywhere activity, allowing connected consumers to watch more content than ever contemplated before. TV today is TV on the people’s terms and to  meet their demands, you need to adapt quickly. Cloud TV is the answer. You need to blend the features, agility, openness, business models, device reach and personalization of OTT, with the scalability and reliability of traditional pay-TV or broadcast 


Our experts will be discussing really interesting questions:

  • In a highly competitive market between media companies, service providers, tech companies, and aggregators, everybody is looking to accomplish the same goal; build a powerful cloud TV service to offer a reliable connected experience, host extensive libraries of content, and be scalable so that the service can grow with its audience. Which are the main technology variables to take into account when building a Cloud TV service?
  • Which of these variables really have an impact on a user’s experience and which ones are fundamental to grow? Natxo, explained his experience at Mediapro and answered what do he thinks will be the impact of 5G or artificial intelligence on this? but he also gave his forecast and explained How he thinks cloud TV technology will evolve in the near future and how are they, at Mediapro planning to adapt to the new trends.
  • What are the main challenges customers usually face when it comes to offering the best cloud TV platform? Handover – from search to buy? User appropriate Experience? Service continuity? and … What do audiences want from a Perfect TV Cloud?Did you like the panel discussion? Then, this question is for you! : Do you agree with this approach? Do you have any other ideas of how the industry will evolve technology wise? Use the slack channel we created to share your opinions with us!