OTT analytics, tracking and reporting

Having an OTT of multimedia content, distributed to a wide variety of users around the world, all using different devices and Internet connections and types of speed to view your content, requires logging and monitoring to analyze the performance of your platform so that it works optimally and can also optimize monetization. Let’s Deep dive on how to measure OTT analytics, and how to do the tracking and reporting.

How to analyze OTT data?

There are a host of analytics tools available for you to keep track of your video streaming business. Omniture, Commscore, and Google Analytics are some of the most common analytics tools available on the market today.

In times of social media we know that content is king, the one that sells. Therefore, as the consumer becomes more sophisticated and selective, it is not enough to generate content, but it is necessary to provide added value.

It’s not just about getting a thousand followers but having a thousand followers interested in your content. And since what is not measured cannot be improved, we must know which content is the best performing according to our audience.

Once the path is plotted, we will have the indicators to be able to establish results based on what we want to achieve. At Jump Data-Driven Intelligence  we know the importance of achieving good performance and that is why we have already identified the most important KPIs to know if a video service is successful and what we are going to develop:

1. Views or plays

It is the number of visits that the transmission had. This metric allows you to know what is your total universe of plays achieved throughout the event. This figure provides the basis for breaking down the following data. You will have many visits, but not all will stay, so your strategy is essential to keep the public.

2. Unique users

Refers to the number of unique people who accessed the broadcast. It is counted through a cookie in the user’s browser, so if it has been connected more than once, it will be counted as only 1 user, but if it connects from Chrome and Safari it will be counted as 2 users (generally few people do this). This metric allows you to measure how many individual users consumed your OTT.

3. Peak of concurrency

It corresponds to the climax of the content, the moment that managed to have more views or plays. This metric allows to have a vision of the moment that most interests consumers within the timeline in which an event takes place. Analyzing this peak also allows you to identify the profile of the audience segment you are reaching and compare it with other key points of the transmission.

4. Playback time

This is the number of minutes / seconds that users were consuming your live content. Generally, they are usually separated into sections, in order to establish an average by time segments. This type of metric is useful to know how interesting your content is for the audience you are reaching or trying to reach. The longer the playback time, the more interested the audience is.

5. Level of interaction (engagement)

It refers to the number of times your content was shared, thus getting traffic from other points on the Internet. This type of metric is very useful because it diagnoses how interesting your content is vs. audience reach achieved, obtaining information regarding the way your audience communicates with your streaming.


To establish what your metrics will be and what aspects of the transmission you are going to measure, always remember to have the objective defined. The numbers are the key, but knowing how to cross them to read the results well is even more important.


How to do the tracking?

Once the tools and KPIs with which we carry out the analysis have been selected, it is important to carry out audits on a regular basis and to ensure that data collection remains accurate and constant.

Applications are regularly updated so analytical tracking may be removed or modified. In this way, we recommend that monthly or even weekly audits be carried out to detect quickly any type of problem and that the company acquire reliable collected data.


Results report

A results report must be structured in the following parts:

1. Report summary:

One or two pages highlighting how and why the evaluation was made and its main findings.

The summary should be very clear and concise. Make sure it contains the most relevant points of the evaluation and the recommendations.

2. Background:

in order for the report readers to know what is being evaluated, it must clearly present the background and previous scope. Do not forget to mention the objectives and strategies of the same.


In this section, aspects such as: what were the set objectives? Why were these determined? Have they changed over time? Why did they change? Were the needs of the population assessed (diagnosis) before designing the objectives?

3. Methodological aspects:

evaluation objectives, evaluation plan design, methodology used, information gathering tools, analytical procedures for the processing and interpretation of the information, and study limitations.

4. Results:

findings evaluation.

5. Conclusions and recommendations.

The conclusions of the evaluation report can be divided into two parts:

– Conclusions related to the effectiveness of the analysis.

– Conclusions related to the recommendations, offering suggestions to improve OTT development.


Sounds complicated? It’s not at all, with Jump you get all of this data in a single platform to turn your data into the knowledge you need to optimize your business.
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