How to utilize video acquisition channels to increase your audience and reach new customers

Video is the king of digital content. According to a Techjury study, in 2023, people on average watch 17 hours of online videos per week. Furthermore, 75% of viewers consume short-format video content on their mobile devices. This implies that if you wish to reach your target audience and capture their attention, you need an effective video strategy.

However, merely creating quality videos and uploading them to your platform is not enough. You also need to promote and distribute them through suitable channels to reach those who matter most to you. In this article, we will explain how to utilize video acquisition channels to expand your audience and attract new customers.

What are video acquisition channels?

Video acquisition channels are the means or platforms you use to introduce your videos and attract users to your website or application. These channels can be:

Organic channels

These channels don’t require financial investment, such as SEO, social media, email marketing, or word-of-mouth recommendations.

Paid channels

These involve costs for impressions, clicks, or conversions, including online advertising, influencers, or collaborations with other media.

Each channel comes with its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s crucial to analyze and choose the most suitable ones for your business and target audience.

How to choose the best video acquisition channels for your business?

There’s no magic formula for selecting the best video acquisition channels for your business. It depends on various factors like:

  • Your goal: What do you aim to achieve with your videos? Increase traffic, generate leads, retain customers, boost sales, etc.?
  • Your audience: Who are your potential customers? What interests them, what concerns them, where do they gather information, how do they entertain themselves?
  • Your budget: How much money can you invest in promoting your videos? What return on investment do you expect from your videos?
  • Your competition: Which channels are your competitors using? What results are they achieving? How can you differentiate yourself?

To answer these questions, conducting an initial analysis of your current situation and the market is fundamental. This will allow you to define a video strategy that aligns with your needs and resources.

How to measure the performance of your video acquisition channels?

Once you’ve selected your video acquisition channels and launched your campaigns, it’s crucial to measure the performance of each of them. This way, you can determine if they’re effective, and whether adjustments or changes are needed.

To measure the performance of your video acquisition channels, you can use different metrics such as:


Indicates the number of people who have seen or interacted with your videos on each channel.


Measures the level of interest and participation your videos generate on each channel. This could include indicators like viewing time, completion rates, comments, likes, shares, etc.


Shows the percentage of users who take a desired action after watching your videos on each channel. This could be a subscription, registration, download, purchase, etc.


Reflects the level of loyalty and satisfaction users have with your videos on each channel. This can be measured by frequency of viewing, bounce rate, churn rate, etc.

These metrics will help you evaluate the impact and return on investment of your video marketing efforts. However, for a comprehensive and accurate view, you need a specialized tool for managing and analyzing business data, specifically designed for video service providers.

JUMP DATA DRIVEN: The ultimate solution to optimize your video acquisition channels

JUMP DATA DRIVEN is a business data management platform designed specifically for video service players. It offers a comprehensive solution to optimize your video acquisition channels. With JUMP DATA DRIVEN, you can:

  • Collect and unify all data from your videos, users, and channels in a single platform.
  • Segment and personalize your audience based on their characteristics, behaviors, and preferences.
  • Create and execute video marketing campaigns tailored to each segment and channel, with relevant and engaging messages.
  • Measure and optimize the performance of your campaigns, with detailed reports and intelligent recommendations.

JUMP DATA DRIVEN empowers you to have complete control over your video acquisition channels and enhance your video monetization strategy. It allows you to fully leverage the benefits with our exclusive services:

JUMP Insights

An advanced analytics service that provides valuable information about audience behavior and preferences, video performance, and the impact of your marketing actions. With JUMP Insights, you can make data-driven decisions, identify improvement opportunities, and optimize your return on investment.

JUMP Personalizer

An intelligent personalization service for your videos that enables you to offer each user a unique and tailored experience. With JUMP Personalizer, you can increase engagement, audience loyalty, and conversion by presenting the most relevant and appealing videos to each individual.

If you’re interested in learning more about how JUMP DATA DRIVEN, a business data management platform designed specifically for video service providers, can help you segment your video ad audience, feel free to reach out and request a demo.

rm. This way, you can learn which type of content they prefer, at what point they tend to leave the video, what actions they take after viewing, etc.

What does Jump offer?

For this purpose, JUMP DATA DRIVEN offers specific tools for video service players based on big data and artificial intelligence. With JUMP DATA DRIVEN, a business data management platform designed specifically for video service players, you can gather detailed and valuable insights about your audience, content, and performance. Additionally, you can optimize your video marketing strategy and increase viewer retention, engagement, and conversions.

Interested in trying JUMP DATA DRIVEN? Request a free demo and discover how we can help you enhance video retention and grow your video business.