Contextual Advertising and OTT Advertising: Differences

Contextual advertising and OTT advertising are two advertising strategies used to reach a specific audience through different channels. Although both techniques aim to promote products or services, there are some fundamental differences between them.

At Jump Data-Driven, a business data management platform designed specifically for video service players, we will explain what each type of advertising is, what benefits they have and how they differ from each other.

What is contextual advertising?

Contextual advertising refers to advertisements that are displayed in relation to the content of the website on which they appear. This means that the ads are based on the topic or theme of the page they are on, and are presented to users visiting the site based on their interests or searches.

Benefits of contextual advertising

Contextual advertising makes it possible to reach a highly targeted audience, as ads are shown to users who have demonstrated a prior interest in the type of content they are viewing. In addition, it can be very effective in improving a website’s SEO, as the ads are based on keywords and terms related to the site’s content.

Another advantage of contextual advertising is that it can be easily customized to suit different audiences and marketing objectives. In summary, contextual advertising is an effective strategy to reach an interested and relevant audience and to improve the performance of a website.

What is OTT advertising?

OTT (Over the Top) advertising is a form of advertising delivered through video streaming platforms, such as Netflix or Hulu. These ads are shown during the video content being streamed, and are targeted to a specific audience based on their viewing history and preferences.

A good way to get the most out of OTT advertising is through tools like JUMP Personalizer, which is responsible for showing content to the user that they might be interested in. This tool can be used to increase viewing time through personalized advertising recommendations.

Benefits of OTT advertising

OTT advertising offers companies that use it the possibility of offering products or services to users who have shown interest through their behavior in the type of content being broadcast or advertised.

In addition, OTT advertising allows the performance of ads to be measured accurately, which helps companies to optimize their advertising investment.

How do contextual advertising and OTT advertising differ?

While both advertising strategies aim to promote products or services to a specific audience, there are some key differences between contextual advertising and OTT advertising. Contextual advertising is based on the content of the website you are on, while OTT advertising is delivered through video streaming platforms. In addition, OTT advertising allows you to measure ad performance more accurately, which is not always possible with contextual advertising.

At Jump Data-Driven we offer tools to measure your audience demographics or user activity so you can find out what they are most attracted to and be able to advertise through your OTT service in a way that is relevant and profitable.