Why data-driven OTT will overtake the Broadcast TV model – The TV Data Revolution

Why data-driven OTT will overtake the Broadcast TV model - The TV Data Revolution

Why data-driven OTT will overtake the Broadcast TV model – The TV Data Revolution

More than ever, data becomes the oil driving efficient and cost-effective TV services capable of boosting engagement and successfully scaling. While data and TV are a match made in heaven, it becomes quite overwhelming to deal with the tremendous amounts of data streaming services generate today. Watch this Virtual panel recording to get a holistic understanding on your online TV data. This virtual panel gathered jointly to our CEO, Jerónimo Macanás, outstanding industry experts from AWS, Braze, Edgeware, Eyevinn Technology and Kaltura that shed light on the benefits you can get having a compelling data strategy.

These are the Key takeaways from the session:

– An understanding of what data is a must to deliver a better TV offering.

– What insights can be extracted from ‘must gather’ data?

– Effective ways to motivate subscribers share data?

Learn more here.