What is intelligent video analysis and how does It work?
Intelligent video analysis is a technology that allows extracting relevant information from the images and audio of a video using artificial intelligence techniques such as
Intelligent video analysis is a technology that allows extracting relevant information from the images and audio of a video using artificial intelligence techniques such as
As the CEO of an analytics and personalization technology company specializing in the video streaming industry, I often field questions like, “Which analytics vendor is
Video is one of the most popular and effective formats for attracting and retaining users on the internet. However, for a video to be successful,
Big data comprises techniques and tools that allow efficient storage, processing, and analysis of data, providing valuable insights to enhance user experiences, optimize resources, and
Have you ever wondered how video streaming platforms can offer personalized recommendations, detect inappropriate scenes, or generate automatic subtitles? All of this is possible thanks
Proyecto subvencionado por el CDTI y apoyado por el Ministerio de Asuntos económicos y Transformación Digital.
JUMP TV Solutions within the framework of the Export Initiation Program of ICEX,
has had the support of ICEX and with the co-financing of the European FEDER fund.
The purpose of this support is to contribute to the international development of the company and its environment.
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